god killed 2,476,633 people, satan - 10 people, page-24

  1. 37,911 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    Then conveniently ignore the turmoil and judgement that will befall all of us and the destruction of unbelievers and evil that is coming in revelations as false.


    but there is no evidence for this interpretation. there is no evidence for a "God" that will judge & metre out punishment at the final days. the world is full of many crimes & no "God" ever intervenes

    if the end of the world comes, it was be SELF-INFLICTED, that is all. and the only people punished will be those that love (lust for) the very world they have destroyed via their irresponsibility, carelessness & ignorance

    "God" is merely a metaphor

    however, to correct your wrongness, the New Testament actually teaches God wants mercy rather than judgment

    again, more heresy & blasphemy, it seems

    Jesus obviously did not write the Revelation so why follow this?


    James 2:13
    For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
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