God to send delusions, page-193

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    The Almighty God and Father IS "THE" WORD because He "IS" WORD.

    1 Cor 2:11 - For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

    Almighty is The Holy Spirit --> Spirit thinks, inner thoughts --> Your inner creation --> Expressed out, comes forth, down from, out from above = WORD expressed, your deign, inner plan as in Jesus, the Hidden Mystery expressed at Mary = Isa 55 - 8 and 9, 10 and so on = His SEED.
    His WORD is also Spirit as Jesus said when He was Speaking the Fathers word, "they are Spirit and Life.

    So Jesus is the express image as He receive the Spirit/Word without measure, Hence he said, "I am come "a" light into the World, because God is Light 1 John 1:5 and God's Word is Light Psa 119:105.

    You see, Aleph Tav and Alpha Omega IS --> WORD and we are also WORDS of our Glorious God and Father and the precious Son NOW is our DOOR to the NEW House - The New Temple.

    Seriously, go to the Hebrew interlinear and you will SEE where the Aleph Tav was not translated (et) and slowly work through the OT early passages and you will see the like of Word Moses, Word Aron, Word Sarah and so on.
    THINK for a moment, we either in the Lamb Book or the other = We in short are all Words in "a" Book, recorded Just like Abraham, Moses and Co.
    Look at the NT Jerusalem that is to come down, made up of Words - People.

    Jesus said in John ch 17, I gave them the Name of you = The Word --> The Word of God. Jesus said, I have kept them in the name of you. We are kept by accepting and abiding in the The Word = The Word of God.
    "THE" in front of word means = all of the Word of God and that includes, your inner word, your inner creation.

    Jesus having the Spirit/Word in him, Jesus being the Temple for God - Emmanuel and Jesus speaking says = If you have seen me, YOU have SEEN the Father or believe for the sake's of what comes out of me, as it is the Father dwelling in me (words to the effect). Hence Jesus being the Express image.
    The Fullness of the Almighty God and Father is Him, looking like equality but Jesus rather than big noting Himself, humbled himself, lowered himself, emptied himself, so to speak of this.
    He put forward the message that he was one of the least, humbled himself, put others before yourself.
    Bring yourself down as a child, so to speak.

    God is The Word as he is WORD = Jesus exalted and for bring the Word = God, now has The Name - The Word "OF", just as we are the Words of. Not at Jesus's level though.

    God = I AM Word the beginning and the ending, which IS which WAS and which is to become the Almighty --> SO he can be ALL IN ALL and what better way can you do that but by being WORDS in ONE BOOK, our story = FAMILY to the Highest.

    Just go and listen to the Bee Gee's WORD = US and start the brand new story with US.

    So if we carelessly use words like I have been drawn into at times, we use their names in Vain.

    WE need to realize, we got good and bad word in us and there IS enmity in us = adversary as the Door in NOT closed yet, and we need absolute Truth to Get the Holy Spirit to fight this enmity = Simple's Children.

    2 in God's Plan is a necessity as 3 IS Ba'al- sun gods.

    7, 8, 6.
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