God to send delusions, page-216

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    You got it Mate, Jesus was sent to FINISH the Father works, the Father Almighty God was the TREE in Eden, check out Gen 3:22.
    You can guess who the other tree was.
    Man has become one of "US" is the Adversary so we got Good and Evil and God put enmity between them = in our minds.
    The only chance we have for certainty to keep that under control is unquestionable, full truth of God as Gen 3:22 says you need to get and eat.
    2 in Gods whole design, plan in a must, 3 in your Temple is Ba'al, the mimic and the reason every temple was destroyed.

    So to be given this enmity, suggests a plan???

    Whether it's so we will fight for the freedom, come out of the hole and come to him so he hasn't effectively created robots, to be honest, I haven't yet been privileged to this info.
    But it would seem, some truths have been lost.

    God put skin on man, to come out of the Garden, so exactly what was the Garden and remember, He reveals the end from the beginning.
    So it seems, the image is Spirit/Word into a Body/Soul and when the soul dies, so does it's memory.
    So I assume the Spirit/Soul are effectively a copy paste as in Rev's, some are asking, how much longer for the revenge of us is taken?
    In that verse, it says they are the ones that come through the tribulation, the Bible tells us, we were in Tribulation before the NT was even written.

    No question about it, Aleph Tav = WORD, have a look in the Hebrew Interlinear and you will see et = Aleph Tav.
    Gen 1:1 Beginning created God WORD (et) --> Heavens and earth.
    You will see the likes of, Word Aron, Word Moses etc etc.
    Some times it appears out of place, but I have not had the time to fully explore.

    Think, God is WORD - "THE" WORD = Spirit thinks, expresses it's creation = Word or on paper.

    His Word is referred to as Spirit.

    His end plan is to be all in all = can't get it much easier than He, Word/Spirit being in you.
    Jesus having this in him says, If you have seen me, You have seen the Father John 14:10.
    Jesus the express image, as he was expressing the Father.

    So every Bible passage = Good word verses bad. No matter how the message is related, think of that and what comes from it and it should then become a new book.
    When Jesus says you can move mountains, it is mountains of bad words, people's bull. haha.
    Foods can be words, lies.
    Note the language of in Rev's where Jesus is about to come.
    When God wants to use someone to do his work or punish, His Spirit/Word enters that one head and game is on.
    Gog, God put the hook in their jaw, draws them.
    Trump to China ATM, is that the hook?
    The county going down first = City which is called in my name --> USA - In God we Trust? (Jer 25:29).
    Israel now is Spiritual, not just the little place we know.
    I say, USA was the Shepherd of the sheep and ate all the pasture and left the sheep, God is Peeved big time.
    USA founded on Christianity.
    The whole world drinks the wine of her = Words and the US $ and take that out =??? Babylon has fallen in 1 hr?

    Our mother should be Spiritual Jerusalem and Not Babylon = Ba'al. 3,.....hence the importance of only 2 in your head, God and Son and no god holy spirit = another.

    We need to grasp, Adam and Eve, knew no evil, kids and they really had a fine line to walk on, it's not really much different, but mus have truth to be able to eat off The Tree, which Jesus is the new Tree, Vine.

    Sorry for waffling, I maybe off HC soon, got to much to sort out.

    Just remember, when things happen, expect the net etc to crash.
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