God, page-64

  1. 2,034 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 530
    we (mankind) have been around and will only be around for not even a blip in the grand timeline of things.. to believe that we are all part of and the focal point of some grand and deliberate scheme is incredibly arrogant and self-centered.

    we do not know how the universe began (though we do have some better ideas than, say, 2000 years ago).. sure a "God" may have set it all in motion, but that was the extent of his involvement and his impact on us today

    the bible is a collection of stories that was made up at a time when the general population needed comforting (being generous here) or to be controlled (more likely).. it promotes a closed way of thinking that is not open to change, and does not seek to improve itself

    science, by its very nature, seeks to improve understanding.. Ophir cannot summarise what evolution is, because he (closed mind) believes that it means a pig changing into a bird

    so God made the world and Satan made eye eating worms? I thought there was only 1 Creator? If God built the house but Satan did the interior decorating then its pretty easy to see which one wears the pants in that relationship..
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