Hahaha, yeah Erdogan is a seriously wily politician. The Yankee's have tried on more than one occasion to have him removed because he is not totally "committed" to the Yankee cause in that he is not a complete puppet. He's a juggler and he does it well. He is a gasbagger as he screams about forcing the Israeli's to pull their heads in as he continues to supply the Israeli's with Oil. He must show his people who are seriously angered about the ongoing Israeli genocide that he is standing up for them while he plays the game behind the scene's of being non committed. His stated "interest" in the BRICS is no doubt intended to force a reaction from the Anglos and depending on the Anglo reaction will depend on his next move. His intention is survival
Gold indicating a break higher but I wouldn't get too excited about it. It needs to take out and hold $2520 to get started. We'll see what the night brings.