Gold Coast Suicides up 36%, page-94

  1. 88,180 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    did anyone of the intellectuals on here notice that the Gold Coast is a tourist area?

    did anyone notice that there are no foreign tourists??????

    does anyone realise that if you have a tourist based area and you have no tourists that you might be in the poo?

    even if the good old Aussies were allowed to visit - Vics can't btw - nor many others

    then Aussies just don't spend as much as foreigners --

    imagine that -------- and, all those Gold Coasters who are in debt to the eyeballs --- are feeling the pressure (and, yes, I have sympathy) --

    but, there's not a lot of point in looking who is to blame -

    the virus is to blame ------ it's that simple ------ and, guess what -

    it won't be the last one either
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