The hardcore gold bulls are getting pissed off with their...

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    The hardcore gold bulls are getting pissed off with their 'weaker'

    Amateur Hour in the Precious Metals Markets
    by Richard Greene

    Bogus Information to Explain "Market" Moves

    It's no wonder precious metals investors are unloading despite swearing they would not be fooled into panicking when the financial system began to come apart at the seams. Make no mistake; what we are seeing in the gold and silver markets is an all out attack by the financial powers that increased in intensity on July 15th when it became apparent that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are, for all intents and purposes, insolvent. Gold investors have been let down in a big way by supposed experts that comment on the gold and silver markets but can not see the most obvious of price suppressions in the history of the financial markets. Just this morning I read another comment on how the creation of the gold and silver ETFs has been a huge boon to gold and silver. While it increased demand due to the ease of acquisition; it has done nothing for the price of gold and silver since supply can now be said to be unlimited by the paper promises as well as centrally located physical stockpiles that can be further leased out. Just try redeeming your promise of silver and gold for actual silver and gold. Not only that, but most commentators completely miss relaying the point to gold and silver investors that at times like now, where systemic risk levels are higher than ever, you want real physical gold and silver in your possession and not the undeliverable promises of a counterparty such as Bear Stearns, for example. Money is now growing on the order of 20% and that is not only in the US but also worldwide. The recent bounce in the dollar has been explained to be a big reason for the decline in gold. You are being sold a story by a dishonest used car salesman. Where the dollar trades versus other paper currencies no longer has any lasting affect whatsoever on any hard assets. They are all declining at an increasing pace toward worthlessness. About the only difference of substance is that they have different colors of ink. Without the option of the ETFs gold would long ago have climbed past $2000 per ounce. I would wager that if only 10% of gold ETF holders sold their position and turned around and bought physical gold that gold would be back over $1000 an ounce in a heartbeat. The spreads that have opened up between the spot and futures market and the physical markets should be setting off alarm bells but you hear very few commentators mentioning it. Two notable exceptions are bullion dealer Franklin Sanders and bullion accumulator and commentator Jason Hommel. Take the time to read the commentaries of two that deal in the real world of gold and silver.
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