GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

Touchfone,Thanks but no thanks. "The gold and silver markets do...

  1. 295 Posts.

    Thanks but no thanks.
    "The gold and silver markets do not have the depth to handle the massive amounts of currencies being created by quantitative easing measures around the world;"

    OK - Gold & Silver are not deep, but that's not the point AND the point.
    Gold and Silver are preservers of wealth - that's all.
    It's no use over complicating what this is all about - trust, trust in expanding currency / money bases. Trust that the powers that be pulling the levers won't stuff up (they always do, otherwise Rome (who devalued the currency to expand the empire etc) would never have fallen and we'd be speaking Latin).

    And because G&S are not so deep they're easier to push around and manipulate.

    I read that the gold rise last week was doe to a Chinese Ratings Agency saying "US is Dim Sim" and, that COMEX was getting short of physical to meet the paper (manipulation).

    At some point something will break.
    Gold will either :
    1. nose dive and we can all praise un-elected economic gurus for steering the west clear of it's own demise, or
    2. painfully stumble up the stairs to $1800.
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