Expectations of a Monster Epithermal Gold Resource in Peru Dont forget PRA with a target of 10moz-18moz of gold the geologists believe these targets are obtainable, Project positioned between world class gold mines of Barrick (Lagunas Norte) and Newmont (Yanacocha and Pierina)
you know your in the right area Many companies excite the market with suggestions of possible copper porphyry mineralisation at depth, but with PRA there is no speculation. It has been observed 1,000m below the peak, exposed by adits into the side of the mountain
Geological Targets
i. Oxide Zone - at least 1 Moz, expecting 3 Moz - will require 20,000m of drilling ii. Lower Sulphide Zone - perhaps 4-5 Moz, with associated copper iii. Porphyry Zone - > 5 Moz plus copper, over 500-1,000m vertical distance
Drilling underway trench areas of gold 14.80g/t, 10.15g/t and 7.25g/t silver 484 gpt, molybdenum at 260 ppm, lead at 3.5%, zinc
Estimated 1 billion tonne resource.Alteration and gold mineralisation is known to extend for a further 7 kilometres within the license area and continues to the southwest, providing additional tonnage potential.