GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

gold, page-101622

  1. 12,038 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 611
    Thanks for that $Peculator (please excuse your tag with my word play as no disrespect intended) as was like a reset of clear brain as when do computer recovery.
    Yes finally found the time as that also precious to watch all with concentration.
    Agree 95 % -98% as wow what a breathe of fresh air as with reality.
    Some of those % not fully with ? I am still wrestling with?
    As reset and if bad maybe stil way to be good? or a digital currency future? hmm we are getting P prepped for but really?
    Top bloke as deserves gold hall of famers with others, wish he was my go too? A $pade is a $ P aide with him...
    We are harmonising with the failed feddler, TRANS?, and tapering the taper, the unsustain able etc.
    I will not claim any of his harmonised wisdom further.
    So all the other economists are worth ??? UN RE ALL??? $$$hed mouse$
    These few hall of famer brains together would be so good for so many things? underutilised??? Kill our prophets ? = Redemption song = B Marley
    But as unknown but likely MORE OF as unsustainable illusion (ill U $ I on)
    Evergrande in meetings? next phase?, dealing? offer & acceptance OR ??? = $Cary numbers from real to unreal to real? Lo$$?
    as if desired shared as cheaper air in multi story??? Someone way back stated a tax on air??? with energy now wow? = multi use/cost areas = NO THANK$
    wonder how much Blackrockers to ever loose bad bonds? or fed help as each other as them? or they making it UP ON P on see? as volume x margin hmm keep awake last night those P Po$$ible number$?
    Big fund$ and extra with recent loading, to watch and learn? more no$e biting? as the stronger^ ***** Goldies' (attrition) survives longer/shorting?
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