Yes if owning Gold you $till own sustained control even when Uncontrolled is at by its worse. The whom is here nor the there as all f/diddling is lead from the unsustaining ONE Chairman FED The out of CONTROL INFLATED ALL as in house prices and lazy PE in bubbles as exec wages & bonus, %%% uninterested rates, or unbonded bonds or what the value in fed worse uncontrolled PONZI But as all controlled or as NOT Gold is in that mix as a $nap$hot in worse finances TIME, how long or short? is as soon after Olympics or 10 100 1000 years? A snapshot Has gold been the truth in valuating or validating all since discovery, is that as now snapshot and future whist mankind likely to change? Change as is it likely the empire (one of ) of credit likely to change. Tick Tock as sands of time...
“The sands of time cannot be stopped. Years pass whether we will them or not... but we can remember. What has been lost may yet live in memories.”