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Looking at the big picture here as the Globalist ruling elite...

  1. 10,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4213

    Looking at the big picture here as the Globalist ruling elite continue to push their control freaking failing agenda.
    We have the retarded "global warming" game morphing into "climate change" as the warming "theme" just wasn't cuttin the mustard man.
    Now Climate Change is a constant natural process as pretty much everything on this planet is a moving cycle. There is zero doubt that the US government is capable of inflicting weather warfare on certain areas when they feel it suits. And brainwashing the populace to suit their agenda is all that counts to them. As Lyndon Johnson said in the sixties after JFK was assassinated by the CIA, "he who controls the climate controls the world". This guy was a serious control freaking psychopath.
    Then we have the failed scamdemic takeover which is being exposed for the absolute evilness that it always was.
    So now the ruling elite are trapped and the revolt against them is picking up steam. The only thing that is left to these poisonous objects is to take us to war and that is their full intention. I was in the UK over the last few months and witnessed the "quiet" expansion of the military industrial complex to prepare for war against the Russian axis. They will fail. It will go nuclear unless they are removed. You have been warned.
    This is not about common sense. This is about desperation and control.
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