GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

gold, page-71394

  1. 10,544 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 630
    just to try and be POSITIVE about things, there will be some GOOD things about the coming great depression in australia, ive talked about this to a few people, ASSETS will get very cheap soon as desperate people SELL OUT, and i dont mean shares, i mean lots of fancy cars, mercs, beamers etc,.. that will be sold soon for a pittance as people that have been fired need to sell that fancy car for cash ASAP, lots of good watches Rolex, omegas etc... that will be on ebay soon, lots of apartments that were $500,000 for a 2 bedroom will be $250,000 or LESS soon as people need to sell out as cant pay mortgage or rent., as actual shops close EBAY and GUMTREE will BOOM, keep checking them as there will be lots of good stuff going very cheaply soon
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