good analysis by someone who knows, page-3

  1. 1,364 Posts.
    i can (but only a few)...

    ..."The latest falsehood doing the rounds is about the Melbourne house price boom"

    ???? what does he mean? there's NO BOOM ? guys from melbourne keep telling me...(who's lying here?)

    ...."While the media is caught up in the hyperbole surrounding the 2009 capital growth rates, they forget that Melbourne dwelling prices only rose by 2.6 per cent per annum over the three year period 2004, 2005 and 2006. And then Melbourne prices ACTUALLY FELL by nearly 2 per cent in 2008. So four of the last six years have seen exceptionally weak growth. "

    what's this???

    i though that all you PI's from melbourne have made a mozza in last few years !!
    at least i remember you telling me so...that's why i had to think of you as 'successfull' investors????

    slowly, slowly...the numbers are coming out to contravene the ludicrous procentages of profits claimed by some...much like in sydney !!!

    100 % there 200 % here 300 % there....yeah right !!!

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