where are we

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    STOCKWELL: Lyn, just in a few minutes left, where are we, and what responsibilities incumbent upon us all to do something, even at this late date?

    LAROUCHE: You referred to Gingrich, who is not really a nice person, who is not entirely ill-informed: That the fact is, that Israel did not invade southern Lebanon or conduct many other things it did, simply as something of Israeli interest. In point of fact, as we see now, as many have warned, that this could be the end of Israel. Israel was sent on a suicide mission, a suicide for Israel, into southern Lebanon; and everyone who is of military and related competence, who saw the facts, have agreed--and we’ve shared these facts--have agreed, that this is a suicide mission.

    Now the fact that Israel is being expended when people have tried to use it as an instrument of policy in this way, indicates that we’ve come to the point, that the friends of Felix Rohatyn of the Synarchist International--the same people who created Adolf Hitler, and then dumped him, but they created him; and who also are responsible for launching the Hitler who they knew was going to conduct some kind of genocide against Jews--these people are trying to push us to a {real} chaos: {because they know that the end of their financial system as it exists now, is doomed.} That some time in the very near future, unless fundamental changes are made by the U.S. government in particular, this system is going to crash--not into a depression, but into a {dark age} kind of depression.

    So they are rushing at this time, to get control of the planet, which is why they’re pushing for a {global world war}! Now! Not a local war, not a regional war. The attack, the terrorist attack in Mumbai, which was largely a British creation, this attack shows you very clearly, and other things from the U.S. administration also show you, that {they’re headed for a new kind of world war}, World War III in a new form, from which civilization might not emerge. And the issue now, is to find the leadership, especially in the United States, which will {change the direction of behavior, of the U.S. Senate and the Congress, from what it has been doing in the recent months.} And will also cause a change in the policy of the Presidency of the United States, a {radical change}, of the type which is consistent with the intention of the Founders of this nation.

    That’s where we stand: We, now, have the moral responsibility for changing ourselves, for changing the behavior of {our} Senate, {our} Congress, of our Presidency, to ensure not only that the United States survives, but survives because it plays a positive role in preventing civilization from going to Hell, under the impact of what is building up rapidly, now.

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