''because Aus has become a free market enterprise economy. it...

  1. 88,018 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''because Aus has become a free market enterprise economy. it would be retrograde to the current market dynamics. how could/would a Govt. own bank compete in the free market? ''

    I suggest that a government owned bank could compete ------- but, it would have to be measured.

    I think if our 'free market enterprise banks' actually ran by the bloody rules - one would find that a government owned bank would run ok. It doesn't need to make profit --------- same kind of thing like public transport -------- we invented it to transport people ---------- not to make profit.

    I can't really understand how you argue for no government owned bank - but you argued with nursery that privatisation brought in price gouging and the like

    that kinda sounds like you were saying that if it were not privatised that fees would be cheaper ----

    ipso facto - that non privatised would be price competitive

    that makes you arguing against your own argument - does it not? thanks
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