good luck australia. we need it.

  1. 253 Posts.
    Welcome to our new Government - Australians plus the World outside wondering how long it can function succesfully.

    The Independents have negotiated good deals for their electorates, also themselves? But what about the interests of the whole? The Press Conference yesterday showed one Independent as what most would reckon as a blathering idiot, the other a consumate politician willing to sell out for the chance to exert Power for a full three years - and that could be a frightening propect not only for us but for foreign investors.

    Then we have the 'Greens', whose new power base will extend to the Senate next year. With only one true Green according to many and embracing many shades of left opinion - a doubtful recipe for stable government.

    At the risk of enduring damage to the economy, Abbott and the Liberals have to be careful not to force another election without very good reason. The Electorate are now thoroughly fed up and will not be happy with another round at the polls.
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