Tesla has secured an absurdly large contract to provide over 15 GWh of Megapack to California’s Intersect Power.

The Megapack has become the go-to, posterchild product for large-scale energy storage around the globe.

It’s by far Tesla’s fastest-growing product and enabled the company to deploya record of 9.4 GWh of energy storage last quarter– more than twice the last record.

Now, Tesla has secured its biggest Megapack contract to date and it is absurdly large.

Today, Intersect Power announced that it secured a contract for Tesla to provide them 15.3 GWh of Megapacks through the next 5 years.

Intersect Power wrote in a press release:

As mentioned above, most of that capacity is expected to be deployed within the next 2 years, which means a significant part of Tesla’s capacity, which is currently ramping to 40 GWh per year, is going to go to Intersect.

Intersect currently only “2.2 GW of operating solar PV and 2.4 GWh of storage in operation or construction”. So this is a big step up for them, but the 10 GWh of projects planned for the next 2 years are reportedly already in the pipeline.

Mike Snyder, Senior Director of Tesla Energy, commented on the new partnership with Intersect:

Sheldon Kimber, CEO of Intersect Power, added: