PEN 3.77% $1.53 peninsula energy limited

good news for pen awaited , page-18

  1. 3,815 Posts.
    waynel - I would have thought that I have always welcomed positive AND negative questions.

    Muttdog asked his question on multiple occasions whilst stating he still held. It now comes out he doesn't hold. That's fine. He might be right to have sold.

    But don't give me this let your guard down balony. How else do people judge one anothers credibility in this invisible forum, other than by what reading what they write.

    Ask the question, by all means. But ask it with your true disclosure. Is that so hard to do?

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Mkt cap ! $244.2M
Open High Low Value Volume
$1.59 $1.61 $1.52 $1.438M 928.9K

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
1 29600 $1.53

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
$1.56 1500 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 27/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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