good news for the property bears, page-31

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    I know of 3 renters here in been there for 16 complaints...because it falls on deaf ears anyway...and nothing gets done...they put up with it...cause they like the place and location

    no. 2...been renting for nearly 55 years...he is 95 now....

    no. 3 she has been renting for over 40 years...I know the landlord....this one is managed by an agent...the renter is in her 60's....the landlord inherited the property....and thinks its too that when the tenant of over 40 years leaves...or dies....the landlord will sell the property.....
    hello...the tenant rarely complains...the landlord really does no maintenance...just collects money....well its sent in the mail each month...funny stressful can that be...
    in each of the 3 cases...all tenants are 60 or over....guess its all different today....the younger renters are more demanding....

    friend has several properties that she manages herself....I think she is a good judge of character...she only offers a 6 month term to begin with...until they prove themselves...
    she does drive by's and inspects often...she is on the ball with rents coming in on time...only had a couple of difficult tenants over the years...gets rid of them fairly quickly...she does keep the properties up to date and maintenance is done on a regular basis....
    its like a part time job....but earns terrific income
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