Good on Margaret Court, page-39

  1. 14,237 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    Shut up Margaret and read the Bible
    You aren't supposed to be a Pastor and have authority over men
    It's in the Bible.

    1 Timothy 2:12 is a New Testament passage from the pastoral epistle by that name, traditionally attributed the Apostle Paul. It is familiarly quoted using the King James Version translation: "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence".[1][2]

    The verse is widely used to oppose women from being trained and ordained as clergy, and from women holding certain other positions of ministry and leadership in large segments of Christianity. Those segments include the Southern Baptist Convention, Roman Catholics, and other particularly conservative evangelical Protestants. Among Roman Catholics, only men may receive the sacrament of Holy Orders to become clergy (deacons, priests, and bishops), though non-liturgical leadership roles are often available to both religious and lay women. Application of the "teach/usurp authority over the man" passage varies among Protestant denominations and by individual churches within those denominations.
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