Costic...The Freedom Of OUR Western World...Expanded upon...

  1. 713 Posts.
    Costic...The Freedom Of OUR Western World...Expanded upon Sub-Humans...Murderers, Terrorists....Islamists...Is reaching its nathir point....
    Before long...Many an Australian, many A Freedom Lover, Westerner , would want your sick....Paranoiac infected and defected mind and body to be send for "treatment"....
    Costic, you know.....There is NOT Such thing as anonymity....
    You are exploiting our FREE system for two reasons..
    Or rather...ONE of the two...
    Guess which one it is.....
    You are, By way of digression, influencing NO-One!!
    The readership here has dropped dramatically!!
    The reason? YOU! And Your sick, inhumane parasites...
    Were they, and you, in an arabic, Al-Quida financed side, One could understand. But here???
    Enough is more than enough...SICK mind "Costic"....
    I expect...Before long. YOU and all your sickeningly anti-Freedom islamists to be given the unceremonial orders!!
    This site, this forum, H/c surely can have a lot more than the 15-16 sick islamist anti-humane barbarians!!!!!!!!!
    Costic. Your time is limited!
    We want individuals tha promote FREEDOM!. Not Cold Blooded Beheading of innocent human beings!!
    The Arabs, those non-Human terrorist Anti-Australian infiltrated parasites among us..MUST GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Costic...Your Last Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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