good riddance to wind farms, page-2

  1. 20,027 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 875
    The Daily Mail UK is a tabloid rag that is hopelessly out of touch. You can't believe anything it prints. The fact is that wind turbines are incredibly competitive because their marginal cost of electricity production is much lower than any fossil fuel or nuclear power station, simply because they do not need any fuel. I believe you will find it is full steam ahead for off-shore wind in the UK. And yes there is a dispute over onshore wind farms between the energy minister and the energy secretary, but there is no moratorium as yet.

    "The row erupted over remarks made by Hayes, a rightwing Tory, to the Daily Mail before a speech he was due to make before 5,000 delegates at the RenewableUK wind conference in Glasgow on Tuesday night. In the prepared speech he appeared to herald the end of onshore windfarm developments, saying, "Enough is enough."

    But Ed Davey, the energy and climate secretary, instructed Hayes to tear up the speech, so that when the minister stood up to talk, he had to apologise to his audience for having no prepared remarks and speaking "off the cuff".

    But, unknown to Davey, the damage had been done as Hayes had briefed the Daily Mail ahead of the conference.

    Hayes' message was also markedly different from an interview he gave the Guardian on Monday, in which he praised onshore windfarms that had local support.

    Davey issued a very public slapdown to his Tory number two: "There has been no change to government policy on renewable energy. As collectively agreed by the cabinet … [onshore wind] has an important role to play in our energy future.""

    But what do you care? Its in the Daily mail UK and it reflects your rather extreme and ill-informed view, so what the hey?
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