Goodbye Australia Day

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    Goodbye Australia Day

    Take 5 minutes to read the first article – Goodbye Australia Day (to open-left click-open hyperlink)

    The BRIMBANK COUNCIL is symptomatic of what is happening with a lot of Councils around Australia which are trying/have changed ? the face of the Australia that I grew up in.

    Local Government Councils now controlled by the Left, Greens and Wokes.

    In the picture in the article there are 11 Councilors:

    8 females, 3 males with the council being dominated by 9 councilors under the age of 40 (My age estimate only) with the Mayor being one of them.

    All of this change has happened on our watch and unless we (the silent majority) take an active stance, mobilise and become participants in Local Government Council Elections this trend will continue to the point that it is irreversible!!!!

    Brian Boru’s comments at the foot of the article demonstrate what should be done.

    Will you take action to preserve the Australia we all love and grew up in or remain one of the silent majority, change will not occur without participation!!!

    This is one of the many changes (Housing/cost of living/energy/climate change/hospitals/defence-shocking decision by Albanese Government not to send a naval frigate as part of the international effort in the Arabian Sea) that are taking place in Australia driven by minority groups and our inept Government.

    I am concerned what Australia will look like for my children and grandchildren if the current trends continue.

    Welcome to Country, Goodbye Australia Day

    Sunshine and surrounding suburbs in Melbourne’s west will not be observing Australia Day in 2024. Residents learned this on 12 December at Brimbank Council’s last meeting for 2023.

    Welcome to Quadrant Today.

    Welead with Christopher Heathcote's report on Brimbank Council'sdecision to abandon Australia Day in 2024.

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