goodbye old australia , welcome pcville

  1. 813 Posts.

    This whole "Refugee" situation and our need to walk on egg shells for fear of offending or vilifying anyone raises an interesting conundrum . We now face the extremes of political correctness and suffer the inability to express ourselves for fear of being labelled a racist .

    It matters not what our claims are to Australian history , 1, 2 , 3 or even 7th generation like me . We are being dictated to by invisible dark forces that show us no respect and tell us what we can and cannot say or do .

    It reminds me in opposite (but not really opposite) to what happened in Europe prior to the 2nd World War

    In 1936 in Germany , Hitler commenced a process that named the Jews as the enemy of the German financial system , their culture and everything else to do with their day to day life .

    Neighbours turned on neighbour , worker on worker , even family members turned on family in their fury against the enemy jew . The German Government encouraged every individual to be vigilant and report anyone who may be sympathetic or helpful to them

    We all know what the outcome was , millions of jews , gypsies , homosexuals and even mentally handicapped people were exterminated .

    People , citizens were encouraged to "dob" in these people and sympathisers . If you were noticed by someone being helpful or accommadating to a jew you went on the hit list and were picked up for questioning , torture , confinement and possible death . All this for a seemingly compassionate act .

    Jump forward 70 plus years and we are now faced with a complete 180 degree situation but not for the better .

    We are now not allowed to say anything about anyone without being accused of being either racist , sexist , guilty of harrasment or discrimination.

    We are now faced with a situation where our country is filling up with individuals who totally fly in the face of our culture , history , beliefs and we are not allowed to say a word in the defence of this country for fear of being labelled a racist .

    Does this not represent a total 180 degree position but mean exactly the same . It represents the same fears but in a different form .

    "You must report the enemy jew" to "you must not say anything against any race" both for fear of retribution . What is the difference ? We now cannot say anything in defence of our own culture for fear of offending or racially vilifying other races in our own country

    We can be charged , fined and even gaoled , my god this is our country . Freedom of speach was a given , hard fought and hard won . They may not have realised when they did it but the 60,000 plus who laid down their lives and the 250,000 plus dead/wounded of the first world war would stand dumfounded at the decisions this crop of second rate politicians make on a daily basis when it comes to the running of this our once brilliant and beautiful country .

    We now have thought police who use "political correctness" as an excuse to censor our thoughts and actions . These thought police use the guise of Teachers , Public Service , Company HR , company/ Government IT, Government etc to tell us how to act , what to say , what not to say , what is acceptable , what is not acceptable .

    Step outside the line and you will find out you can be sacked , charged , fined , sued for defamation etc . We now sign contracts that tell us you will be watched by IT and if you post anything offensive (to who? anything you say or do can be offensive to someone) you will be dismissed . We all know this is a tool to get rid of anyone if required . A joke ,a comment ,a photo anything can and will be used against you.

    Is this the country we want or need . How do we stop this PC rubbish that has infected our lives . Our forced silence will ensure our eventual capitulation.

    This PC rubish infects our lives at every level , work , schools , sport , community , legal you name it . We cannot say /do anything without having to think of the implications of our actions

    The most offensive in my opinion is the changing face of Australia and our inability to express our opinions against current migration trends . These are trends that are made at Government level with no interface with community .

    I for one am not afraid to stand up and state I will not stand idly by and watch my countries history and culture get washed down the drain just to protect a horde of unwashed and uncivilised people who by their own religion have no respect for you or myself , not to mention our womenfolk .

    Come on Aussies stand up and take this country back from the silent , invisible forces that rule our daily life. Don't you remember when you could say anything to any man and they either copped it on the chin or fought for it ?

    Remember? You stood up for your mates , you never dobbed , everyone put in and everyone got a fair go . You respected your olders , our war heroes and most importantly , even your mum told you this "stick and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you"

    Lets get back to our old values before it is too late and we all end up weak as piss and lay down
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