Google ordered to pay John Barilaro $715,000 over 'vulgar' YouTube videos, page-28

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    John Barilaro, who gave $100,000’s from taxpayers to a company associated with Angus Taylor and faces possible perjury charges at the NSW ICAC, gets a $715,000 payout

    John Barilaro, who gave $100,000's from taxpayers to a company associated with Angus Taylor and faces possible perjury charges at the NSW ICAC, gets a $715,000 payout - Kangaroo Court of Australia

    Google was ordered (6/6/22) to pay $715,000 for defamation to former NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro who is under investigation by the NSW ICAC for a number of corruption allegations including perjury. The payment is in relation to 2 videos uploaded to YouTube which is owned by Google. So, it was Google that defended the complaint and it was Jordan Shanks who posted the videos using his online name FriendlyJordies.

    A huge lie from Justice Steven Rares’ judgment is this paragraph 294:

    “The matters complained of resulted in Mr Barilaro being driven prematurely from office, so that the judgment sum, necessarily, will have to reflect the very substantial damage done to his feelings, his reputation, the need to nail the lie and to vindicate him to the public.” (Click here for the full judgment)

    When Justice Rares says “The matters complained of resulted in Mr Barilaro being driven prematurely from office” he is talking about the 2 FriendlyJordies videos but that is a blatant lie and John Barilaro and Justice Rares know it.

    I published an article on the 5th of October 2021 titled “The real reasons NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro resigned: Fraud, theft, abuse of power and numerous alleged affairs” (Click here to read the article) And that article is looking more spot-on by the day.

    While John Barilaro might have had a victory, he will likely lose the war that is raging behind him and the $715,000 might have to be used to defend criminal charges against himself in the near future.

    A quick overview of issues facing John Barilaro:
    1. NSW ICAC will hand down a judgment soon regarding their investigation into former NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and John Barilaro was a witness. (Click here and here to read more)
    2. A formal complaint was made to ICAC in October 2021 that Mr Barilaro perjured himself giving evidence in the matter. (Click here to read more)
    3. What I said in the article on the 5th of October 2021 about John Barilaro resigning because of “Fraud, theft, abuse of power” has been reinforced with revelations in March 2022 that the NSW ICAC is investigating dodgy payments made by John Barilaro as a Minister to a company associated with federal MP Angus Taylor. (Click here to read more)
    4. FriendlyJordies has previously hinted at suing the NSW for malicious prosecution regarding a false complaint made to the police by John Barilaro which resulted in FriendlyJordies employee Kristo Langker being falsely charged. If they do sue the NSW police then John Barilaro will be a witness and likely have to refuse to answer questions on the basis of not wanting to incriminate himself.
    John Barilaro also sued Jordon Shanks (FriendlyJordies) but discontinued the proceedings in November 2021 after a $100,000 payment for costs by Shanks who had at that stage raised $1million to fight the defamation matter. Friendlyjordies published the below statement on Twitter on Monday the 6th of June after the judgment:

    Google said they were going to continue to fight the matter and call Jordan Shanks as a witness but then a few months ago they folded and said they would admit the videos were defamatory and pay damages.

    Why did Google change their mind? Were they leaned on by someone in government? Who knows, but other battles for John Barilaro and Jordan Shanks await in the near future so maybe some questions will be answered then.
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