UNS 0.00% 0.5¢ unilife corporation

gotta love this stock, page-40

  1. 4,582 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 134
    Wallway the reason you provide is certainly true BUT in my personal opinion what supersedes this is the sheer fact that it decreases risk exposure - everyone goes on about competition yet this in theory is merely opportunity, my bet is eventually everything (and this is a very long way away) will be owned by the conglomerates!

    At that point competition will likely be a word just used for sports. It is all about $s - Currently BD would be annoyed, Sanofi likely happy, of course Unilife will eventually get taken over by one of them, then BD & Sanofi will get taken over by Pfizer (lol) and then that will eventually get eaten by a Wells Fargo or JPMorgan Chase.

    As crazy as it sounds I believe deep down that this is where the world is headed, of course not in our life-time ... here is to Unilife being up tomorrow (back to reality).


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