Apologies to Gough who had a little more class than KRudd.It was...

  1. 4,442 Posts.
    Apologies to Gough who had a little more class than KRudd.
    It was an interstate call from a mate tonight that reminded me of the great promises Gough Whitlam made when it was "Time" for us to all deny the Libs their 24th year in power.
    Well, Gough came, ruined, and went!
    I can foresea time, around three years from now when the possibility of the Senate witholding supply may be appropriate again (but only if Labor make it into power Federally)
    I believe that the vast majority of Australian politicians are well meaning and overall, have the interest of the Australian public at heart. It really boils down to which PARTY has more qualified well meaning capable members.
    I find it impossible to believe that the Australian public would be gullible or uneducated enough to consider that the Labor party has the "cattle" to do the best possible job for Australia.
    It comes down to simple statistics and facts.
    The Libs have been in power for over 11 years; They have the experience of lessons hard learned over many years; We currently have a wonderful foreign minister(much naively maligned by Labor supporters), a great Treasurer and many very capable and experienced ministers. The Libs have a very capable, probably the best ever PM and a very articulate and proven replacement PM in P. Costello.
    On the other hand, the Labor side has a KRudd (with absoluely no ministerial experience) and a team of "teamsters" called ex union officials who don't have 5% of the accumen of the experienced Libs.
    Additionally, the Labor party has a potential deputy PM (let's call her Mabel), who would unfortunately be regarded internationally as a fisherwoman!
    Yeah, the picture is becoming clearer isn't it?
    KRudd is starting to look burnt out already and the PM fresh. The abysmal non policy tact that the Labs have endeavoured to foist on the Austrlian population is beginning to show its cracks and that of the Party itself!
    The Labor party is self destructing and to add salt to the wound, I believe that the Libs have something special regarding KRudd saved for the last week. ha ha lol !!!!!!
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