gough whitlam the second, page-2

  1. 211 Posts.
    "Well, Gough came, ruined, and went!"

    Cough, cough, clear that krudd from your chest, this country would be the laughing stock of the FREE World if we had to bear another Gough !

    BUT, if we couldn't clear that Krudd from our chest we would have wonderful friends like Cuba.

    Whats wrong with people, dumb, stupid or just a bunch of commies or Reds who will stoop so low as to destroy a country in the crazed grab for power.

    And what will we end up with,
    A new class of Royality, called ------
    A new group of Public Servants, with everything and more as the general public go poor and lose what ever they have.

    The countries interest rates go up, the general public cannot afford to pay, they have to sell.

    BUT..... the new royality, the ever increasing Public Servant gang, can, they buy up, the new royals take all before them.

    The new royals make more and more laws, which when closely looked at, it is discovered,

    The ever increasing unqualified new royals are making laws and rules for less and less qualified people.

    Think thats a shocker, and could never be ?
    It was in a country called France !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And as long last they, the good people of France are kicking out the Commies, because they discovered the hard way, this RED thing just doesn't work, and the average person loses, goes broke while the red public servant takes all before them.

    Is this county so stupid to vote in a bunch of reds that have no business skills for the biggest job, the biggest business in this country.

    I think that the average Australia, is not that stupid and more so after having to bear the not so clever Gough, Hawke and that Keating.

    Kind regards
    to the thinkers and the poor slow Reds of this country.

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