A friend of mine rang me recently about gout; he was suffering...

  1. 333 Posts.
    A friend of mine rang me recently about gout; he was suffering and would do any thing to stop the pain.

    In the past I had suffered for ten years with gout and chronic fatigue after a food poisoning episode. Doctors treated me with massive doses of antibiotics without any improvements and then switched to anti fungal treatments. All this left me with 'tinnitus' and a post traumatic chronic fatigue. The doctors treated me for depression, this almost finished me off.

    With the brain fog I lost my first fortune on the stock market. The next fortune I lost was from seeking help from almost every allopathic medical practitioner and hospital under the sun. This cost me my second fortune.

    Help eventually came from treatment by an alternative integrative medical clinic. Which caused me to start to read about biology and learn about healthy living?

    The following is the reply email to my friend as to how to help himself overcome the dreaded gout.

    Gout; the second worst pain known to man.

    D****; I didn’t know you suffered from gout. I used to have this problem and suffered for about ten years, it was very bad and I went to every doctor, specialist, nutrition specialist, alternative medicine and bone doctor and none of the b*****ds helped me. All they did was make money out of me.

    I bought every book about gout and after spending thousands of dollars I put all I had learnt together and I am now completely free of gout. I can eat every food under the sun and never get an attack. It is recognized as the second most severe pain known by man, I couldn’t walk for weeks, couldn’t even go to the toilet, I had to have somebody bring me a pan. A terrible; terrible affliction, the worst experience I ever had.

    But the good news is it is really easy to cure. First of all if you are having an attack you can stop the pain in about a day by taking one and one only per day, ‘1000 mg Naprosyne’ this is a very strong anti inflammatory drug and you must never take it for more than a few days despite what the doctor tells you that it is OK, It will burn a bloody hole in your guts, only take it until the pain goes away usually in a day or so and only with food. Eat soft mashed vegetables and a soft egg mixed in. No bread, sugar, red meat, tomatoes capsicum peppers, all processed meats or sea foods. Drink plenty of water during the day, filtered water not tap water.

    Don’t take the stuff doctors tell you (voltaren) that treats gout and they say you will have to take it for the rest of your life, that is bulls**t.

    Once the pain goes then you have to treat the cause of your gout. Every body will tell you that gout is caused by eating too much red meat, sea food, red wine and a whole lot of other cr*p. It is a fact that these foods contain ‘purines’ that turn into ‘uric acid’ which crystallizes in the joints and this is what causes gout, this is all true but isn’t the reason you are getting gout. Purine is also a natural by product of normal metabolism. The problem is your body can’t and hasn’t the nutrients to process it out of your system.

    The reason you are getting gout is retention of uric acid caused mainly by; dysbiosis in the gut; that is your gut is over run by bad bacteria, this is caused by bloody doctors who give you anti biotics that kills all good and bad bacteria in your gut. After every course of anti biotics your doctor should give you some pro biotics; that is healthy bacteria, this forms a barrier against ‘bad bacteria’ and viruses establishing in your body; in fact this established ‘good bacteria’ forms over 60% of your immune system. You need plenty of ‘B’ group vitamins to assist in the extraction of uric acid and Homocysteine; especially ‘folate’ or folic acid as it is usually called.

    You need to flush out your system with plenty of filtered water or ‘alkalised water’ not tap water this helps to remove fermenting putrefying food that may be piled up in your bowels. To assist this you need to regulate your bowel movements by taking two heaped tea spoons of psyllium husks; you can get this anywhere at any health food shop or chain store. I find the best way to take this is; mix it quickly in a glass of warm water and drink it quickly before it starts to thicken, if you are too slow it will turn into a jelly like mass, it is pure fibre. Follow this with another glass of water, this is important as you need the psyllium to remain a loose mass and it needs to soak up a lot of water. Psyllium can have the opposite effect and clog your gut if you don’t take enough water with it.

    Anything you eat or take for a half hour after the psyllium will be just carried out of your body and the nutritional or medicinal value will be lost. Psyllium is a useful liver ‘detox’; as the gall bladder dumps a lot of bile into the fibre mass as it is processed through your bowels.

    The rest of the permanent cure is all about nutrition and no drugs. All I tell you about now will be only healthy nutritional supplements and by following the instructions on the bottles, should never cause you any harm, unless you have some rare allergy problem.

    To fix the uric acid problem you need to start taking healthy bacteria, ask the health food shop for the best brand, there are, powder or capsule forms all are good. take it with some filtered water, not tap water; take it on an empty stomach a half hour before you eat anything in the morning; a half hour after you take your Psyllium and a half hour before breakfast; and another one at the last thing before going to bed at night for one week and then one capsule every second or third day for several weeks.

    Do not take the capsules with food as the acid in your stomach will kill the friendly bacteria before it can get established. Different strains of the bacteria live in your mouth, large and small intestines, even in your private parts. This bacterium prevents and cures women with urinary tract infection which can result after a course of anti- biotic’s.

    If you have a lot of bad bacteria you may feel a little unwell like a mild flu infection, this is caused by toxins being released by the bad bacteria being killed off. Just persevere and keep taking the treatment, this reaction will soon pass.

    Make your own yoghurt, you can get ‘yoghurt starter’ powder from the health shop ‘Natren’ is the best brand; you may have to order it; make sure they have stored it in the fridge and it is still in the ‘use by’ date; just follow their instructions on the bottle. Go to these web sites and you can learn a lot free.











    Manufactured yoghurt bought from the shop is usually not very good, especially the ones that contain fruit as they put preservatives and poison in the fruit so as to stop the bacteria attacking it and to extend its shelf life, it has some nutritional value but very little of the best strains of healthy live bacteria.

    You need to talk to me about this.

    The next thing you have to take is ‘vitamin B complex’ and ‘Folic acid 600mcg’ (‘folate’ it is sometimes called); one a day of each. All these things you can get at the health food shop. You can cut back on the amount of these supplements to once or twice a week as you think you need it to stay free of the problem. Too much of a good thing isn’t always wise. Follow the instructions from your Naturopath or Health Practitioner.

    The ‘B’ group vitamins especially folic acid help process the uric acid out of your body along with ‘Homocysteine’ another very detrimental by-product of metabolism if its not processed out of your body. The reason you are deficient in these vitamins is that the healthy bacteria actually manufacture these essential vitamins in your gut; so no healthy bacteria means you are deficient in these vitamins. When you eat meat, bread, sugar and starchy foods these are what the bad bacteria feed on and should be avoided when you have an attack.

    This horrible bad bacterium also is known to produce brain chemicals which cause you to feel hungry and crave for starch and sugary foods which is exactly what they need to exist on.

    You can also get some ‘Kolorex’ or ‘Neem powder’; this is good for getting rid of bad bacteria. Turmeric, thyme, bay leaf, cinnamon and garlic are all good to help with getting rid of bad bacteria. There are a few more things you can do, but start on these things first and after a few weeks talk to me again. Don’t do any thing too quickly as this can trigger an attack.
    Eat healthy raw foods and no junk fried foods. Stay away from all ‘Margarines’ they are pure poison.

    Also take magnesium and zinc as directed. Add fish oil (omega 3), cod liver oil, Co Q10, R- Dihydro- Lipoic Acid and vitamin C to your supplements as your health improves. Follow the advice of a good Naturopath.

    If you don’t start to solve this horrible affliction it can lead to other heart, chronic fatigue, muscular skeletal and brain problems. Also get you doctor to check your ‘Homocysteine’ which is absolutely critical to keep under control; it should be less than 6. Homocysteine is also regulated by the same treatment; I will talk to you about this later. If you follow what I tell you, you will never get gout again, you cholesterol will also be improved. Give me a call if you need help Ph 0242******.

    Best of luck, G****.

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