government and rates

  1. 12,414 Posts.
    A serious question which I don't understand..

    Why does the government rely so heavily on the banks passing on mortgage rate cuts to mortgage holders to ease the the living costs of the typical Aussie family?

    Sure many Aussie families have a mortgage, but surely there are alternatives to this single option? Like the Fuel tax levy, fire tax tax levy, stamp duty, excise tax, luxury car tax, payroll tax, fringe benefit tax...the list goes on! All taxes that have been introduced over the years! No wonder 15 years ago people could afford to pay 16% interest rates on their home loans...

    The government aren't willing to reduce any other of these daily taxes we pay; but are more then happy to put the onus on the banks to pass on interest rate cuts based on the decision of the RBA (which in turn has no correlation (as far as I am aware)) to their actual borrowing costs. Sure banks make huge profits, but they are simply just another business out their to make profits for their shareholders.

    Now, I'm no economist, but I just want to know why the treasurer/s in power stand up time and time again pointing the finger..

    Im not sure of exact figures, but to think that 47 odd percent of fuel costs go to the government that is kinda scary. And pay then when you walk in to pay for a 600ml bottle of Mt Franklin water, it costs you $3.80... yep that $6.30 per litre!!!! There is something seriously wrong with the basic costs of living in this country.

    Just a rant, but would like other peoples views.

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