Govt paying for everything - WTF?!, page-76

  1. 5,647 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    More concerning for you as a healthcare worker I guess, even if not frontline. I'm sequestered. I've watched enough twitter and seen enough guys younger, fitter, tougher than me smashed and gulping for air with 20% lung capacity. The best description (or worst) is one guy described it as being buried alive. So I'll do my best to dodge it and give my bed to someone else.

    My overwhelming sense, apart from the risk to life and livelihood, is of lost opportunity and the systemic failures which have brought this to our door. The anger is only now starting to build as the initial disbelief is passing. People beginning to ask how the f this has been allowed to happen. Maybe then I can stop pushing the barrow.

    I'll take a look at MSB but corona will likely be more challenging for a vaccine than we think imo. Anti-virals could be the real key in the short term but I don't really know, just reading.

    I saw that a select group of high court judges want more oversight of the government during the crisis.
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