Goon has posed a very important dilemma:"whoever wins the...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Goon has posed a very important dilemma:

    "whoever wins the election will have to deal
    with that truth....higher wages = small
    businesses going to the wall, low wages=
    ordinary people unable to have a decent
    quality of life."

    There is nothing new under the sun
    and what you describe has occured
    in Australia before and was solved
    with superb finesse and aplomb
    by one of Australia's best and
    fairest Prime Ministers,
    Bob Hawke.

    When Hawkie came to power he ended a
    terrible period in Australia when conflict
    and mutual suspicion (fanned by the
    Liberals for 'divide and conquer' gain)
    had caused industrial disputes to
    reach record levels that lowered
    productivity and profits for
    workers and bosses and
    for the nation as a whole.

    Then and now the Liberals prefer the
    bitter atmposphere of a 'house divided
    against itself' to the atmosphere
    of co-operation and accord that
    Hawke introduced that triggered
    a period of unparalled prosperity,
    social progress and mutual respect
    overseen by the Prices Surveillance
    Authority keeping an eye on prices to see
    they remained affordable for workers
    (to reduce the pressure for wage rises)
    and the Arbitration Commission keeping
    an eye on wages to see they were
    affordable by business to reduce the
    pressure for business to increase
    prices to stay profitable.

    Sadly for the common welfare
    of all Australians, Howard's Liberals
    LOATHE the atmosphere of co-operation
    and mutual respect (Labor introduced
    under 'The Accord') and Howard worked
    tirelessly to demolish the Prices
    Surveillance Authority and the
    Arbitration Commission to drag
    Australia back into the Dark Ages
    of Dog-Eat-Dog conflict and
    hostilty (between capital and
    labour) because it's in that
    grisly atmophere that John
    Howard's 'Law and Order'
    pseudo-answers are
    most likely to find

    With military coups topplng democracies in
    iBurma, Thailand, Pakistan and elsewhere,
    what's remarkable about Hitler's rise
    to power is his National Socialists
    were *elected* to power with a
    very similar anti-trade union
    and kid-caging racist plalform
    that Howard's Neo-Nazis are
    offering Aussie voters - sugar-coated
    with tax cuts and hand-outs to
    disquise a total-control agenda.

    Malcolm Fraser (a genuine Liberal) has
    been trying to warn other genuine
    Liberals that the party that Bob
    Menzies founded has been
    infiltrated by HR Nichlolls
    Society extremist economic
    troglodytes and by mindless
    kid-caging brown-shirts in
    $2000 business suits.

    BUT while-ever the 'good times' keep
    rolling for share and housing profiteers
    who gives a rat's backside about a sillly
    old fool like Malcolm Fraser.

    Though I'm a Labor voter, I give great
    credance to Malcolm Fraser as what
    he says has the ring of authenticity
    from an Aussie 'elder statesman'.

    OK so Malcolm came from a snobby
    Western Districts of Victoria rural
    background - but what a lot of
    people forget about the older
    pastoral families of Victoria
    is they place great store
    on Noblige Oblesse...

    "The nobility is obligated to
    serve the common welfare."

    Which is why Malcolm and
    his daughter Pheobe have
    taken leaderhip roles
    in 'Care Australia'.

    Phillip Ruddock's daugther Kirsty left
    home (and Australia) because she
    couldn't stand to live under the same
    roof as a serial child abuser who
    wears an 'Amnesty International'
    lapel pin to TV interviews
    to kid viewers he's humane!

    I don't know if Rudd (not being
    from trade union background)
    has the same insights into and
    passion for a just and fair economy
    as Hawkie had, but Rudd is so far in
    front of Howard (when it comes to
    being who he really is) that in my
    opinion, Rudd is the lesser of the
    two political evils that face voters.
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