DRK 0.00% 1.2¢ drake resources limited

granmuren drks swedish version of sirs nova?, page-61

  1. 3,541 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 223
    Strauss, yep I held less shares than I would have if I hadn't been trading around between 6.5c to 8c. Good on Borris, it looks like he has done really really well. I think he is the only one of the original posters still in (you, me and fluxmaker have sold out?).

    Anyway, if you don't believe me post your email and I will send you a contract note of me selling at 23c.

    I recall you said you missed MNE. I hope you took the opportunity to get in recently. It should run well in Jan. All the best.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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