gratitude in fact boys and gals is A MAJOR KEY to unveiling...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    gratitude in fact boys and gals is A MAJOR KEY to unveiling happiness and joy and raising your VIBRATION

    We are all energy vibrating to form matter, and our BRAIN and its thoughts/beliefs and its overall level of consciousness affects our vibration (either positve or negative)

    A KEY part of raising ones vibration to lift it closer to its 'true nature' or to the vibration of 'the source'(the vibration of your vreator of which you are a part) is GRATITUDE!

    Read up all the great books that have ever been written - the first and second testaments, the book of abraham, the early writings of the kabbalah and the kabbalistic sages etc, and they all talk about

    1) an energy field of 'the source' (where we came) existing
    2) the PRESENCE of this energy field
    3) we are all energy vibrations within this field (i.e we are made up of the energy that is 'the source'or god just vibrating in different ways to form different matter
    4) the BRAIN affects our overall vibration and takes it away from its natural state (the state of stillness or the vibration of 'the source')
    5) We can use this energy to help us overcome all mind made obstacles, bcoz after all, WE ARE THIS ENERGY and we just have to BECOME AWARE that we are this energy
    6) AWARENESS that we are this energy brought into the face of fear, kills or grwatly dissipates the fear of the PRRSENCE of ones AWARENSS that he/shes vibration is that of the source and is made of the same fabric of energy as the source and is part of the source in the energy field that is all round

    GRATITUDE is a KEY KEY part of all the great spiritual books

    It raises your vibration bringnig you closer to 'the source' , who u really are , ur natural vibration before the mind came along changed ur natural vibration that u had as a kid to a vibration of fear and away from love

    interesting stuff eh?? ;)

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