GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

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  1. JFI
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    Protection GCR: Why falling prices of physical gold, and when will the growth? |
    Why falling prices for natural zolotoVse existing currencies can be divided into two groups: the “global” and “local”. World are those currencies that are included in the basket of reserve currencies the IMF. This dollar, euro, Japanese yen, British pound and Swiss franc. Beginning in 2012, the IMF cart included two currencies. This Australian and Canadian dollars, whose share in the basket of the IMF at the moment is at 1.9% for each of them.
    And, of course, the list of reserve currencies the IMF includes international currency – gold, currency code XAU. The IMF officially recognizes international monetary gold reserve assets, despite the fact that the documents of the IMF’s gold made beyond the common list of national reserve currencies.
    The price of gold, or more precisely, “the value of the exchange rate of gold” depends on the aggregate number of factors. One of them – the price of oil.
    Gold mining – it is energy-intensive process. The share of energy costs in the production costs of the gold is about 60%. So naturally, when high oil prices, gold prices are rising.
    Another important factor influencing the price of gold is the ratio of the so-called money supply in the world, to the world’s gold reserves. Gold only quoted in US dollars. But gold is bought and sold throughout the world, in any currency. However, the key role in the global money supply with regard to the world’s reserves of gold is played world currencies, rather than local. And this now is the intrigue.
    If the Chinese yuan will be included in the basket of reserve currencies the IMF, there will be a very significant shift in the ratio of recognized global monetary mass to the world gold reserves. The scale of China’s economy to slide off any global relations. The inclusion of the yuan in the basket of the IMF, will lead to a significant increase in the so-called total global money supply, with respect to the remaining virtually unchanged, the world’s gold reserves. What it does not cause rapid, but a very long period of rising gold prices.
    The current decline in gold prices – this is not some kind of a series of coincidences. This is a very specific plan, implemented by the cartel and the Fed deliberately caused by the inclusion of the renminbi is forthcoming to cart IMF.
    Gold – is primarily antidollar!
    The higher the gold price, the lower the worldwide level of confidence in the dollar and dollar-denominated instruments. Knowing this, the Fed has taken a number of measures designed to artificially lower the price of gold. The Game of the Fed, in this game, is that the inevitable increase in the price of gold began with “low base”. That is, with the lowest possible levels.
    Growth from low levels will not allow to grow in the price of gold is very strong, and very fast, with respect to its normal, not an artificially undervalued prices. Thus, negative for the dollar, the impact of the forthcoming increase in gold prices will be offset and smoothed the start from a low base. Fed often uses this trick before the events that may lead to a rise in gold prices.
    To suppress the price of gold is the serial sale on disallowed COMEX, large amounts of the metal are not secured by physical gold futures at increasingly low prices. Over the past two years, the ratio of sales of the so-called physical and paper gold on COMEX has grown from 1 to 100 to 1 in 300. This means that for every one ounce of physical gold with its delivery to the buyer, we have to sell 300 ounces of gold futures contracts that do not require physical delivery.
    Buyers and sellers of futures contracts, was originally not intended to get the gold in the form of its physical delivery. They just play on the rise and fall of the price of gold futures, extracting profits or incurring losses, only denominated in foreign currency – US dollar. It is a kind of betting on the future price of gold against the dollar. Paris, in which the parties express their opinions only on the cost of the asset in the future, without the need for physical delivery. The wager without requiring delivery of the asset, any participant may make a bet on any amount of gold, regardless of whether there is a sufficient quantity of gold in the world or not. Just as there are players in the forex roar. They buy lots of different currencies, with no intention of getting these currencies physically. Their goal – to make a profit from operations in the quote currency that you selected during the opening of the account.
    Why falling prices for natural zolotoPri ratio trade physical gold and securities “on the prices of gold” 1 to 300, it is not surprising that the market price of gold, emerging market of gold futures, not physical metal market. That is, the price of gold today, the emerging markets of someone’s bet on what will be the price of gold in a month, a year, and so on.
    To maintain created, so the illusion of low prices for gold, the Fed and its operators have to sell to these artificial prices, it belongs to the physical metal. Otherwise the price of paper and physical gold will disperse, like ships at sea, and the scam with the artificial suppression of the gold price will be obvious to one and all.
    Who sells the gold?
    For years, global demand for gold exceeds its production during the year. The public is constantly reports show how many and which countries bought gold in that given year. But it always remains lit moment about who does it all sells gold. If you have extracted during the year X tons of gold and sold during the year was 1.5 X tonnes, then someone sold out of its reserves, an additional 0.5 X tons, exceeding the annual production. But who is it, if we keep talking only about the gold buyers?
    This question and western, and all other financial institutions and the media prefer to get round without concentrating their attention on it.
    Many experts and analysts argue that selling your gold at artificially low prices, the US is forced to incur losses, and do not want to advertise. It is believed that the United States had to act that way in order to preserve the illusion of low gold prices and the consequent illusion reliability factor of the US dollar. That is, for the sake of the whole system of the dollar world order. Some truth in this statement, of course, is – in the forced sale of the gold for the sake of the global financial system the US government. However, the notion that the US is forced to incur losses from the sales of gold by inadequately low prices, is fundamentally wrong.
    Let’s see why. The fact J.P. Bank Morgan, the largest owner of the Fed. At the same time, J.P. Morgan is the largest operator of the Fed. That allows J.P. Morgan to act on all the world markets on behalf of the Fed, in its own interests – as a private bank, in the interests of the Federal Reserve, owned by JP Morgan. Where it is carried out on a professional finance and banking, there is no place judgments about justice and morality. Therefore, it makes no sense to judge angrily bank JP Morgan, for their apparent dominant position in the world and the foreign exchange markets. It is much more practical to try to understand that now in JP Morgan doing and, more importantly, why they do it.
    Judging by the fact that it makes the management and the owners JP Morgan, with brains, these guys, everything is just fine. During the fall of the gold price, JP Morgan constantly bought around the world and is rapidly increasing the amount of physical silver. At the moment, J.P. Morgan has a record in the history of its existence, the volumes of silver. Not in paper, namely in a physical form. And also in the form of commitments to supply physical metal. The question arises: why J.P. Morgan is constantly increasing proportion of silver, gold in a falling market? At first glance illogical, but only at first.
    Experienced investors in silver is well-known, some patterns of market behavior that asset. One of these important patterns is called “two-to-one.” This law says that any expressed as a percentage change in the price of gold, always entails twice more significant changes in silver prices. For example: if the gold for some time, has increased in price by about 15%, the silver in the same period, always increasing in price by about 30%.
    Proportions considered patterns are saved and the fall in gold prices, if gold falls in value by about 20%, the silver falls in price by about 40%. The greater price fluctuations and the time period for review, we take, the more respected the law. Of course there is no sense trying to seek confirmation of the laws “two to one” in historical graphs of the period when the value of silver was of monetary or legally tied to the value of gold.
    This pattern originates from the period of formation of the Jamaican currency system introduced in the years 1976-1978, which Western economists are increasingly called system of “drowning in exchange rates.”
    It should be noted an interesting point. Many, including the highly respected experts, keen on technical analysis, are constantly trying to find some market patterns by studying historical charts of gold and silver. All these many attempts comparisons of market behavior of gold and silver in periods different currency systems are a sham. The conclusions of the technical analysis of monetary assets during the period of the Bretton Woods monetary system, can not be a reason or pattern to search for analogies, in the period of the Gold Standard or the Jamaican currency system. Similarly, spent years driving skills on the asphalt, can not serve as a basis or template to control the same car, off-road or icy conditions.
    Of the above laws, the market follows another pattern, which reads: “If you expect the fall in gold prices, to buy dollars. If you expect a rise in prices for gold, buy silver. ”
    Professionals working in JP Morgan, of the behavior of all market assets thoroughly known. Proceeding from this, consider the action JP Morgan the steps:
    Playing on the same team with the Fed’s lowering of gold, P. Morgan participate in a game with paper gold in the futures market. Thus J.P. Morgan is forced to sell any part of the bank-owned physical gold in order to meet the demand on the part of market participants and investors that require physical delivery.
    As a result of these actions, the price of gold are reduced by a certain percentage. Let it be a percentage of – (X%). But the price of silver at the same time, falling twice as fast. So the price of silver in the same period of time is reduced by 2X%.
    All proceeds from the forced sales of gold at artificially low prices, P. Morgan is buying physical silver, gradually building up a stockpile of more and more low cost. In fact, Actions J.P. Morgan represent a carefully calibrated trading strategy to replace in the structure of their assets fall in price of gold on even more rapidly falling price of silver.
    Why falling prices for natural zolotoPrezhde than go to what all this is for JP Morgan, over, look at another pattern silver market. This rule derives from the direct correlation value of gold and silver, which is called the “index of GSR». A brief explanation of the notion of index GSR are incorporated herein.
    Since the rise in gold prices, silver prices are rising faster, twice the pace index GSR starts to fall. This means that the value of gold starts to fall, expressed directly in silver without the use of any currency. Or, more simply, with an increase in the dollar price of gold, the value of gold against the value of the silver starts to plummet.
    Now we can go to the next step and see what JP Morgan is waiting for and that J.P. Morgan will do next.
    Once, for one reason or another, will rise in gold prices, P. Morgan, aggressively ramp up silver reserves, would be in the best position. Position J.P. Morgan, sitting on the ears in silver, which is rapidly becoming more expensive even against rising in price of gold – it is the most advantageous position in a situation of rising gold prices. As a result, neither those who sit in the dollar, nor those who are sitting in the gold will not be able to obtain such a profit, which will receive Upload silver JP Morgan.
    It will end this operation, for P. Morgan, the sale of silver and gold on the reverse exchange. But gold, as a result of this ingenious operation, JP Morgan get a half or even two times higher than it has been sold on the reserves JP Morgan in a falling market. Right now, the index is almost 76 GSR.
    This means that for every one tonne of gold, today you can buy almost 76 tons of silver. The calculation is given without VAT, because the investment money in the United States are not subject to VAT. After gold is expensive, the index GSR can reach 45, 38 or even 33, as it was in 2011.
    Thus, today, exchanging one ton of gold per 76 tons of silver, after a while JP Morgan will make a reverse exchange. But the rate of 38 tons of silver per 1 ton of gold. As a result, every 1 ton of gold, today substituted by 76 tons of silver, will JP Morgan in the near future 2 tons of gold – the reverse exchange of every 38 tons of silver per 1 ton of gold.
    Why falling prices for natural zolotoTak called historic ratio of 15: 1 – 16: 1, reflecting the ratio of gold and silver in the earth’s crust, available to mankind for the extraction of mineral resources. Historical ratio of 15: 1 – 16: 1 has been used by people since ancient times, for thousands of years and was officially established by Isaac Newton in the early 1700s, as 16: 1.
    All the above are well known to the monetary authorities of the USA, India and China. India is buying silver around the world at a record pace, ahead of this indicator, even the US.
    Increase production, China has moved from 4th to 3rd place in the world for the extraction of silver. Meanwhile, China is not only not sell your silver, and consistently ranks in the top three countries in the procurement of silver on foreign markets, occasionally taking on this list first, without declaring it. “It seems that China is trying to get their hands on all the money that he could find” – says Jeff Brown of
    Bank of China and India is well known that gold and silver are inextricably linked by bonds of eternal marriage of the market. These countries continue to import record amounts of money and the rate, despite the fact that the indicators in the financial industry showed decline in economic growth. The monetary authorities of China and India to effectively use the laws of market relations of gold and silver, for the sake of national interests of their countries. The United States do the same.
    However, the actions of the US in the silver market, observed a marked tendency to avoid critical stress in the silver market. Traditionally, being a large net – importer of silver in 2015, the United States suddenly start to export silver to India in large volumes and at an increasing rate.
    Previously, there was nothing of the sort. Re-export deliveries of silver to India from the United States can be explained by only one factor in the market: the US desire to block the likelihood of premature growth in world silver prices.
    There is no doubt two things. The fact that the above patterns of market behavior of silver are true. In that system J.P. Morgan people work smart.
    First, you can check with the help of charts and arithmetic – by repeatedly increasing larger number of X% and fewer on 2%. The second is based on the axiom that a unique position occupied by the bank JP Morgan, as the largest owner and operator of the largest Fed simultaneously. The totality of confidence in the first and the second allows an unambiguous conclusion: Smart people in JP Morgan knows exactly about the upcoming period, a significant increase in the price of gold, waiting for this period, and thoroughly prepare for it.
    Protecting the country’s gold reserves
    This article does not open and does not carry absolutely nothing new. The fact that the United States, India and China, is not the first year, is rapidly increasing its reserves of silver, falls into the category of well-known facts. Russia, meanwhile, is in the process does not participate and sell their silver everyone. Probably based on some ideological reasons, the monetary authorities of the Russian Federation does not consider it expedient to use in their activities, such politically incorrect term capitalism as “Protection of the gold reserves.”
    What is the protection of gold reserves? In order not to sink into the vast and spatial description, consider a simple example:
    Imagine that we work in the Central Bank, and we need to decide on the placement of the gold reserves in the country, has just received $ 20 billion. Dollars. We collect the meeting to adopt a collegial decisions behind closed doors, where no one hears.
    – One of us said: “Let’s buy the whole amount of US government bonds – Treasuries. So do all the other countries, and we are not going to invent anything. ”
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