EMH european metals holdings limited

Provided the EV and ES booms continues at a strong rate of...

  1. 1,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 375
    Provided the EV and ES booms continues at a strong rate of growth (~50%+ pa) then lithium demand should continue to surge. My model suggests a 5.7 fold increase in total lithium demand from end 2017 levels of ~230ktpa to end 2025 levels of 1.32mtpa. Supply will most likely find a way to keep up with demand therefore prices should mostly remain fairly steady between USD 10,000 to USD 16,0000/t LCE, with a slight premium for lithium hydroxide.

    What was another article currently producing 3-5 million cars to forecast 100-200 million in the next decade.

    Security to supply chain is key for future investments. JC broker the peace treaty and get the show on the road.
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Mkt cap ! $22.81M
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12.0¢ 13.0¢ 11.0¢ $25.75K 217.1K

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1 25707 11.0¢

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11.5¢ 78503 1
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Last trade - 15.53pm 28/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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