great story on 60 min .... cattle station, page-17

  1. 11,316 Posts.

    I asked what her interpretation of destroy was? Does she mean cheaper meat for the Australian public for a while?
    Oh, and don't give me this rubbish about it not being edible. Otherwise she wouldnt even mention a southern market.


    So you want cheap meat at the expense of these people who get paid once or twice a year. It would also be tough on the southern markets who also would lose with a flooded market.

    Who here could survive if they only got paid once or twice a year, and lose that payment? After investing a lot of time and money.

    And you say they over reacting. I would say you got no idea.

    After 6 months no income,would you still have no problems with your Bank manager? Would your car be repossessed ?
    Would you be concern with your future? Would you over react?

    You people need to think outside your pay cheque every week.

    Over react, This useless Government over reacted and caused misery for a lot of people here and overseas.

    And all you can think off is getting a cheap steak.

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