greece at the brink of civil war, page-15

  1. 963 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    I think the idea that Greece is on the brink of a civil war is a bit of misinterpreted psychological nonsense.

    Greece, as well all know, like a lot of other countries, was living beyond its means for more than a decade. The chickens are now in shock and roosting. They are in shock, because they are coming to terms with the reality of their situation. They are roosting for the same reason. There is no easy way forward for Greece, peaceful, revolutionary or worse.

    As individuals they may want to explode, to take to the streets, arrest and overthrow the villains, who led them into this mess. But they know their demise wasn't due to a few identifiable exploiting bourgeoisie or foreigners, they know that during the naught-ies, across all sectors of Greek society, there was an expectation that sensible people; everyone from hair dressers to politicians would live large on cheep Euros. So who do they blame now? They blame themselves!

    Now if they have any hope of alleviating their societal pain, they have to change themselves. Emerging from this depression (emotional and financial) will probably take a decade or two. No amount of revolution can change this reality, in fact any violent upheavals will only make their predicament worse.

    The situation is tragic and I feel immense sympathy for Greece, but the Greeks are not alone. Swathes of Europe, even parts of Germany, face a similar future, because they have shared a similar past.

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