greece is just an excuse

  1. 1,348 Posts.
    Wake up people.

    Stop blaming the Greeks.

    The amount of debt they owe is trivial and can be wiped out.

    Greece is just being used as the scapegoat for what the real underlying problem is with the world's financial system - Too much DEBT !!!

    US = 15 trillion not including unfunded liabilities.

    Everyone jumps up and down about Greece, those damn lazy Greeks but no-one not one person is focusing on the situation in the US, Japan & the UK.

    As for the Germans who wish to impose all this austerity on those lazy Greeks, maybe they are just dying of embarrassment on how their banks could be stupid enough to lend so much money to a small economy that had no hope in hell to ever pay it back!!!

    Maybe the bankers now have egg on their faces because they finally realised that their greed and constant pursuit for increasing profits no matter where they come from has backfired on them immensly.

    We should be blaming the Creditors as much as the Debtors, if not more because they failed to practice due diligence when they loaned the money in the first place.

    But hey everyone was making money then and it was boom times.

    Welcome to the end of the largest credit bubble in the history of mankind.

    Hold onto your seats for then next decade or two.

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