Greedy C3 Church, page-5

  1. 25,060 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    So what's wrong heathens? Do you think there should be 'laws' dictating what people can do with their own money? Do you think taking money from one bunch of crooks (dodgy religion) and giving it to a bigger bunch of crooks (government) is going to benefit YOU in any way? Do you realise that removing the tax status from Churches will hardly effect these mega corp Churches at all but WILL bankrupt the small local Churches that feed and help the poor and needy in your local communities?

    It's not hard, if you don;t support this type of thing then don't give them your money. If you are outraged enough then why not chip in to help organisations that expose these rackets for what they are? Otherwise let people learn their lessons, if you don't they might never figure it out. It works for the state.
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