H2 solutions are easy to imagine if you don't look at the...

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    H2 solutions are easy to imagine if you don't look at the economics or laws pf physics

    Direct electrification has eaten hydrogen's potential lunch


    Liebreich pointed to his oft-cited hydrogen ladder” chart to distinguish one category from the other. At the top are refineries, ammonia and fertilizer factories, methanol and other chemicals producers, and other industries that currently use roughly 100 million metric tons of fossil-fuel-based hydrogen each year, accounting for about 2.5 percent of global emissions,” he said. That’s real, and it’s a real challenge.”

    He also highlighted clean hydrogen’s potential to displace the metallurgical coal used in primary steel production, which accounts for roughly 8 percent of global carbon emissions. Unlike the grid, buildings and ground transportation, steelmaking lacks a clear path to electrification as a near-term option — hence the potential role for hydrogen.

    I think what we’ve got to do is focus on that 100 million tonnes and a few other use cases where hydrogen is so valuable, it does something that’s so difficult to do using direct electrification,” he said.

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