CCC 0.00% 0.1¢ continental coal limited

green makes me green then red then laugh loud, page-2

  1. 581 Posts.
    l am upset when Australians claim this lands resources as belonging to all Australians and that the Govt should impose taxes to ensure Aussies get their fair share...

    Rubbish. Rot and rubbish.

    l risk my capital, l do the hours of research. l own parts of many AU mining companies, and along with you, these companies belong to us as do their spoils.

    You want some of my profits, then you had better be there to share or mitigate my losses. And hold my hand when l cant sleep and l'm scared. And pay my enormous CGT and brokerage and trading platforms and feeds expenses. And risk all that you have ever worked for. Past, present and future. And go to work every day as if yr starting a new job and the whole world has been stood on its head. Risk trading halts and capital raisings and ASX dogs and high-speed-trading and algo driven maths PhD.s and corrupt insider traders and shock announcements and life changing forever whilst you rush eventually to the loo busting... and geopolitical unrest and empty mines and govt regulation impositions and snotty-bots and two-faced analysts and floods and fires and droughts and enviromental strangulation and up-down rampers-raiders and ever elusive technical competence and Rodger Montgomery and your friends who think you are just a gambler and huge volatility and GFCs and pump and dumps and hitting-the-wrong-key-buy-trades 5% higher than intended and profits here today and gone tomorrow and here and gone and l could have booked the same profit 3 times (bsbsbsb) in 3 days and still held the same amount at the end.....

    And all you smarter-than-me HC hardcore helpers who continually humble and haunt me and the emotional control one must learn and degrees in psychology and economics and business and mathematics and international relations and chemistry and geology and believe me.....

    A traders education is life-long. Should they follow and invest in miners, in particular, this education haunts them in the afterlife. My highly recognized and rewarded university career of 12y was trifling in comparison to my trading education, both in scope and in cost. No one or Govt contributed to my re-education and training. My time, my loss, my responsibility. My fault. All the responsibility. All of it. Mine and ours alone.

    Unless we discover a wasteland squat or better and then it is our responsibility to turn huge portions of it over to every other Australian as a common good because 'it belongs to all Australians '...

    But when l am scared and l cant sleep...
    l have to hold my own hand.

    Notice to market. Beginning retraining today with a view to eventually leaving the day trading arena mostly, before algos, bots, insiders, HFT super-comps and Govt forces me out and takes my money before l go.

    No sane person would accept a job or work in an area like ours if described without the words 'market trading' etc. No one.

    We are pioneers. Only the few (u know who u are) make big bucks on mining stocks. The rest of us learn slowly, pay for our apprenticeship with our money, our faith, often our hope and our happiness / health.

    All l am asking is a small place to call mine when its over and l have no where else to go because l'm being trampled by those pouring through the wealth floodgates l helped open for all the others whilst they took safer investments and left me to battle for this country's future at the front line with you. . .

    With their pockets bulging full of coin they hoarded which is breaking my back... what with their squirreled aways and our contributions...

    At least l'm not bitter and twisted.

    But l am getting out. Time to retrain slowly and fade away to a very part-time trader.

    So get working harder all you like-me's... there will soon be one less earning trader... and in its place an out-of-towner laying claim to you and yours.

    And keeping all the cash l wouldnt risk and all the 6.5% risk free term deposit funds l compounded whilst you risked your capital speculating.

    You found what? l'll 'ave 'alf.
    You lost how much? Stupid you.

    Right now, l'm feeling like stupid me.
    Despie my best and substantial efforts, trade for trade the market is harder, faster, and stronger.

    You want a prediction? By 2020 only Govt, business and a few crooks and duelling day-traders controlling and participating in the market We will be extinct. GFC a scandalous redistrib of wealth. Ever thought the trillions 'sitting on the sidelines' may not re enter the market? Go into no risk returns like term deposits..... Or sit on companies books to be internally digested by the fat cats? When paper money is made redundant, we are done. No hiding. No volatility. Just regulation, regularity and regular Joes like U and Me looking for the next frontier...

    l LOVE trading. l do.
    But they are forcing me out and the reward l seek is really not worth the risk. And its not that much. Then they take half. And you will probably take the rest. Today the market moves so fast it can be invisible to the naked eye... That does it. l cant compete against those l cant see. And now they are dancing all around me in night vision goggles rejoicing. Aren't even treading softly.

    Jobs are like stocks. You are in or you are out. Up and down. Here then gone. A risk and a reward. A slave and a master. Trick is never fall in love. Be prepared to destroy in order to create. To walk away.

    Whilst l am grieving over Goldengrove enleaving,
    It is the plight man was born for...
    It is Margret l mourne for.

    Alone and dancing along the Trading Blade


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