The return of the green Nazi Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun July 8,...

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    The return of the green Nazi

    Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun July 8, 2013

    One of my local poker pubs in the inner city is populated by lots of Ferals. Most are rough and ready, but recently I was surprised to see an unusual looking man.

    He was tall and powerfully built, and had the front half of his head shaved. The back half was long and plaited in a pigtail.
    He had a strange gaze and also smelt like he hadn’t washed for a couple of weeks.

    When mentioned on a thread in HC, someone said he could be a Nazi Green member. I had no idea there are Nazi Greens and after googling, came across this Andrew Bolt blog from 2013 on the green Nazi.

    I have presented a range of edited responses to highlight issues that were discussed--edited for brevity.

    Andrew Bolt: As I have often warned, the far Left is actually closely related to the far Right. Both believe in sacrificing individuals to the collective, reason to romance.

    1 .... Nazis drew heavily on a romantic, anti-science, nature worshipping, communal and anti-capitalist movement that tied German identity to German forests.

    Its message is much as Hitler’s own in Mein Kampf: “When people attempt to rebel against the iron logic of nature, they come into conflict with the very same principles to which they owe their existence as human beings. Their actions against nature must lead to their own downfall.”

    2 .... Andrew, there's an old saying that as soon as someone brings Hitler or the Nazis into an argument, then they have lost it. I wish you wouldn't write things like this, it's a pointless thing to say.

    Think whatever you like about the Greens, but associating them with a megalomaniac who systematically tried to commit genocide is not only a long-bow, it's plainly ridiculous.

    3 .... Andrew, what’s wrong with people caring about nature? We do actually owe our existence to it. Imagine if the sun decided to take a day off.

    Your article seems to suggest that if you love nature your some sort of ecofascist. With the human population exploding and expanding, are you saying that animal and plants species aren’t under threat?

    Are you saying it’s a myth that human consumption isn’t threatening various species of flora and fauna? Heard of palm oil? A connection to nature should be a natural part life and for many it is.

    Articles like this just seem to give nature and people who have a deep appreciation of it a bad name!!

    4 .... Godwin's law still alive and kicking!
    It states: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches---In other words, Godwin said that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis.
    Well done!

    5 .... This is a common mistake, but you should know better, Mr Bolt. Nazis were not right wing extremists.

    They had a few conservative leanings; tradition, military, and love of country but the rest was pretty leftist.

    6 .... One of the many scary things about this is that, for many reasons, we should look after the earth and its resources, e.g- recycling rubbish when feasible, composting, etc. and not pouring masses of untreated sewage into waterways.

    Many of our children are being taught to regard human life as less important than animal life. One example is the people who struggle to save beached whales, admirable in itself, but support abortion and human euthanasia.

    7 .... I am waiting for the Greens to flap their little wings in indignation and lots of crocodile tears. The Nazis were ultra-green, they valued nature and animals above humanity. If they had their way, humans would become extinct.

    8 .... And as I have often warned, it is no surprise that Holocaust deniers and AGW deniers are from the same far-right end of the spectrum.

    In fact the similarity between Holocaust deniers and AGW deniers are so close, that it is more instructive to look at the differences.

    Holocaust deniers blatantly ignore the balance of historical evidence that resulted in the systematic displacement and industrial scale murder of millions of Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals

    AGW deniers blatantly ignore the balance of scientific evidence that points to a debilitation of our stable clime to the point where many more millions will be displaced and exterminated in the future.
    Last edited by Rappa: 07/01/18
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