Greening Agenda

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 539
    The goal of the Overclass is to create a neofeudalist two-class society of rentiers with dynastic wealth and serfs with no class mobility who rent everything they need to live from them.

    In order to achieve this goal, they need to destroy the only obstacle standing in their way, which is the middle class. To do this, they have used climate change and sustainability as an excuse to engage in degrowth and deindustrialization.

    I am an ex-green myself. I know the agenda to the letter. It is degrowth and a static GDP or steady-state society that will inevitably starve billions of people to death, particularly those in miserable poverty who depend on the current system to remain intact just to be alive at all. I used to read Kate Raworth, Herman Daly, George Monbiot, et cetera. I know the basis of their arguments. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes.

    When hundreds of very wealthy people who fly around the world from climate meeting to climate meeting in private jets are all saying the same things about deindustrialization and the dismantlement of agriculture while funding a vast network of climate scientists to repeat their propaganda, it’s not because they actually care about the environment and genuinely want to prevent environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity, it’s because they’re a pack of bloodthirsty hypocrites who are intent on depopulating the planet, smashing the middle class and confiscating our wealth, and stuffing the few hundred million survivors into smart city EPCOT-center-style theme parks where they will live like prisoners under 24/7 surveillance.

    Read Paul Kingsnorth, Rosa Koire, Patrick Wood, and so on. The techno-green agenda has absolutely nothing to do with being green and everything to do with sucking our governments dry of subsidy money before leaving us holding the bag with new, fraudulent infrastructure that doesn’t work and cannot sustain civilization.

    Enough is enough. We know what is being done to us, and it is obscene. We are being targeted by the obscenely wealthy for a reduction in our living standards, because we are currently comfortable and relatively wealthy and they want us to be as poor and decrepit as the most impoverished regions of the world.

    CO2 is a measure of success. All of the most economically successful societies have larger per-capita carbon footprints. CO2 emissions are practically a euphemism for human economic activity. Imagine if the Overclass were honest. Imagine if they said that we need to reduce the economic activity of the most successful societies on Earth, make everyone wear high-tech ankle monitors, and eat sludge grown in a bioreactor vat. I bet their message would be a whole lot less popular, then.

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