greens are mad., page-3

  1. 4,434 Posts.
    geezus, dummy! You're like a broken bloody record: Greens=Naziz, Greens=Nazis, Greens=Nazis! Who the hell dangled a watch in front of your eyes to come up with this ridiculous BS? Greens are a party -another party, like the Democrats and the Libs and the Nats and ALPs and all the rest. And a true democracy should have a good number of parties. The more of them the less comfortable the more populous of them feel, consequently , the less they'd be dependant on corrupt dealing, on lies and on crooked behind-door agendas -of which you'll never hear. What we have now a choice of two political eateries: Mackas or KFC. Nowhere else to go and taste anything else! You're told that one is as bloody destructive to the body of your country as is the other. What do you do? The Greens is a local party for local people...
    I'll put this to you: Both, ALP and LIBs (along with the NATs) think we need a greater population here. Greater immigration numbers and both cr@p on about refugees, the numbers of which are negligible.
    The Greens say, no more huge immigration: the Australian environment is too fragile, too subtle, too beautiful and too precious because a great deal of its flora and fauna is totally unique and unseen elsewhere in the world. Is it not our duty -not only to our subsequent generations of Australians but to those of the rest of the planet to protect it?
    How? Well, that's where a whole lot of policies come into the equation: If you have an environment-centred economy then much corrupt activity will disappear because the laws would be much stricter. They'd have to do with the survival of the whole population rather than that of the huge corporations and foreign bum-licking pollies.
    I see no foreign bum-licking in the Greens! Do you?
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