The way I see it both the greens and the ALP have bought...

  1. 1,850 Posts.
    The way I see it both the greens and the ALP have bought themselves a whole heap of trouble.
    Initially the greens where a concerned bunch of tree huggers, and I think most everyone supports a balance in sustainable enverionmental development ,but what has happened is that the radical loonies left the ALP and joined the greens.Its a problem for both of them, alot of people have suggested that both groups would eat each other alive..
    The majority of Lib/nat supporters are happy to have a sensible aproach to a balance between primary industry and the environment ,farming and fostery people depend on it.
    the world has changed in that respect during the past 40 yrs.Not to mention all the urban people that are apposed to the scorched earth version .SO really tree hugging is as much part of the right as anywhere else thers days.
    Ordinary people that support sustainable development are not radicals anymore there mainstream.
    That puts the radicals out on a limb..labour donsen't suit them and the greens will never get anywhere with them.
    So this shifting tribe of disatisfaction with everything is going to be looking for a new home.If the ALP wants to invite them back there going to have to go more left and that has about as much apeal to the general public swinging voters as dog poo on there shoes.I can't see how when push comes to shove how either the alp or the greens can manage ther way out of there troubles.

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