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    Greens blame greed, ignorance
    October 12, 2004

    VOTER ignorance, greed and apathy returned the Coalition to government, a South Australian Greens MP said today.

    Kris Hanna, a former state Labor backbencher who joined the Greens last year, today said he was disappointed with the majority of Australian voters.

    "(Labor Leader Mark) Latham did his best to offer an alternative but too many Australians were not discerning or caring enough to vote (Prime Minister John) Howard out," Mr Hanna said.

    "John Howard appealed to people's ignorance, greed and apathy.

    "With his vote-buying strategy and tactics of fear, he relied on many Australians voting out of self-interest."

    Mr Hanna said Mr Howard had continually lacked honesty, citing his handling of the children overboard affair, the war in Iraq and his "ridiculously dishonest" campaign on interest rates.

    "Under Howard's leadership tens of thousands of innocent people died in Iraq," he said.

    "Thousands of innocent refugees (have been) incarcerated.

    "Magnificent ancient forests (have been) decimated.

    "This is what Howard stands for and this is what Australians have endorsed out of ignorance and apathy.

    "Too many voters have taken the attitude of 'I'm all right Jack'."



    Breaks you right up doesn't it.



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