Peoples greed and ignorance will always cloud their judgement...

  1. 5,766 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 372
    Peoples greed and ignorance will always cloud their judgement and the deceivers will always take advantage of it.
    Lies will always become the truth if you tell it often enough but thats OK as everything is fine out there - our masters say so!!

    Eventual lunch bill may spell end to dollar's dominance

    By Gary Duncan
    The Times, London
    Monday, October 11, 2004,,16849-1303426,00.html

    Imagine a place where you could spend far more than
    you earned for years without consequence. Imagine a
    place where you could pay your way by writing
    cheques that nobody would bother to cash.

    Welcome to America, today.

    Over the past decade or more, the United States has
    been living far beyond even the vast means commanded
    by the world's largest economy. America's households
    have spent far more than they earn, borrowing
    extravagantly against the rising value of their homes
    and other assets. The U.S. government has been no
    less profligate, dramatically increasing spending while
    making hefty cuts in taxes.

    The consequences have been predictable. Over the past
    five years, America's national spending has outstripped
    its income by more than a fifth, leading to a rising tide
    of red ink. In little more than a decade, the United
    States has become the world's biggest debtor. America
    now runs an annual current account deficit approaching 6
    percent of GDP, or more than $660 billion (£370 billion),
    while its government's borrowing this financial year is
    heading for a record $422 billion.

    All of this has been made possible by confidence in the
    continuing outperformance of the U.S. economy and its
    financial assets, and the unprecedented willingness of
    foreigners to accept vast piles of American IOUs in the
    form of dollar holdings and U.S. Treasury bonds --
    effectively, cheques that go uncashed. And the keystone
    supporting the weight of this system has been the dollar's
    dominant status as the world's international reserve
    currency -- a status now seen as being under threat.

    Over a decade, the proportion of U.S. government debt
    held overseas has more than doubled from 20 percent to
    about 45 percent. Underpinning this massive expansion
    of overseas borrowing has been an inadvertent and
    undeclared currency pact between America and Asian

    Desperate to prevent their currencies rising against the
    dollar and undercutting their booming exports to the
    United States, Asian nations have bought up billions of
    dollars and U.S. Treasury bonds to shore up America's
    greenback and keep their exchange rates pegged
    against it. The accidental quid pro quo has been that
    Asia has been able to continue to keep selling its goods
    to Americans at highly competitive exchange rates, while
    America has been able to run up ever-increasing debts
    to pay for them -- helpfully financed by the Asian central

    Asia's huge appetite for American assets to maintain its
    currency parities with the dollar has sustained heavy
    demand for U.S. Treasury bonds. In turn, this has kept
    U.S. market interest rates remarkably low, at levels of 5
    percent or less, even as America's debts have ballooned.

    As Niall Ferguson, the economic historian, has remarked,
    this looks like "the biggest free lunch in modern economic
    history." He and others have compared this
    Asian-American dollar area to a reincarnation of the
    post-war Bretton Woods system of largely fixed exchange
    rates. Taking in China, Japan, and other Asian states, this
    dollar-dependent zone accounts for more than half of the
    world's GDP.

    The trillion-dollar question is, of course, whether America
    can continue to dine out at the expense of its Asian

    For optimists, the answer remains a resounding yes. This
    confidence is based on the belief that the U.S. economy
    will continue to outstrip its rivals, preserving the
    attractiveness of its assets, while Asia's central banks
    will continue to snap up dollars and Treasury bonds, backed
    by the unlimited finance of their own printing presses.

    But just as Bretton Woods I collapsed in the early 1970s,
    a growing number of commentators believe that the
    present "Bretton Woods II" will ultimately collapse under
    the weight of the burgeoning imbalances it has
    institutionalised. As ever, what looked like a economic
    free lunch will emerge as a mirage.

    No one can predict with certainty if or when the edifice
    will crumble, but it seems more and more inevitable that,
    sooner or later, it will. Already, a reviving Japan has
    abandoned efforts to restrain a rise in the yen, removing
    one key prop for the system. Perversely, Washington
    seems intent on kicking away another, persisting in its
    efforts to persuade Beijing to scrap its currency's dollar
    peg and revalue the yuan.

    Only last week President Bush was on the telephone to
    Beijing, pressing his Chinese counterpart on the yuan
    issue. Yet, as Avinash Persaud, the leading currency
    economist, suggested in a speech last Thursday, a
    yuan revaluation, or even the first steps toward one,
    could prove the catalyst for collapse of "Bretton Woods
    II," and a period of economic trauma for America.

    There can be little question of the intensely painful
    implications for the United States should the present
    Asian-American equilibrium unravel rapidly. A sharp
    fall in the dollar and the U.S. bond market would
    simultaneously stoke inflation and drive up market
    interest rates. And as Professors Persaud and
    Ferguson, as well as others, have argued, such as
    scenario could well spell the beginning of the end for
    the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Without
    that status, America could face an avalanche of
    uncashed Asian IOUs, and U.S. interest rates could
    be pushed much higher, with horrible repercussions
    for America's heavily indebted Treasury and

    This frightening prospect raises a fascinating and
    fundamental question: Which rival might take the dollar's
    place as the world's dominant currency? For Ferguson,
    the euro is the strongest candidate, not least since
    more international bonds are already issued in euros
    than in dollars. However, the euro's claim could be
    hindered by the eurozone's persistent failure to foster
    strong growth.

    Instead, Persaud argues provocatively that the dollar
    will be displaced by the yuan as China's economy
    overtakes America's in coming decades.

    It is a tantalising prospect, although one that will
    depend on China's ability to preserve political stability
    as its prosperity grows. However, it is not impossible
    that, in our lifetimes, markets will hang not on the words
    of Alan Greenspan or his successor but on those of the
    chairman of China's central bank.

    The implications of such a shift would be truly seismic.
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