The fact is that a common sense approach will see both the...

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The fact is that a common sense approach will see both the environemnt and food production in harmony.

    It was the greens who sewed the stupid idea that farmers are raping and pillaging the environment. They display abject ignorance that comes from going off at the mouth before their brain is in gear.

    The fact is that farmers are the best custodians of the farming environment. Most love the lifestyle, other wise why would they put up with the incredible hardships that are entailed. They have incredible pride in their enterprises, are constantly in competition with their neighbous to have the best run and most efficient farms. Economy of water use is just ingrained from childhood.

    I have a farming friend who constructed at his own volition and expense, an above-ground dam that covers 10 Ha. His farm is super efficient, and he recently signed a contract with a small town council to take all their sewerage outflow, which is pumped in to another dam he has constructed. Imagine how he feels when the greens tell him to save water.

    Most of what emanates from the greens regarding farmers, water and food, is just arrant nonsense born of ignorance.
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